visual desiger | illustrator
Campaign Identity, EY, 2016
EY Risk Management’s Confidentiality Campaign set a challenge to increase awareness among EY staff regarding the risks associated with data confidentiality through the creative conception of an antihero to feature as an antagonist to appear across a wide range of materials.
Copywriting, storyboarding and animation by Eimear Ní Ghriofa.

It was important that this character would not be associated with a particular individual, class or race, and that the theme and design would have the longevity to last over a considerable amount of time and to deliver a varying range of messages. Briefing meetings, design research and creative development led to the creation of ‘Cid’, a feline fiend with a keen determination to lay his paws on EY’s confidential data.
Phase 1 of the Confidentiality Campaign focused on the importance of shutting an EY laptop down when bringing it outside the office in order to ensure full data encryption. The materials developed in support of this first phase included motion graphics, laptop labels, deskdrops, posters, custom lollipop labels and freestanding cutout figures, with customiseable replaceable plaques.
Copywriting, storyboarding and direction by Eimear Ní Ghriofa; animation support provided by wider Creative team.